Arkopharma Arkocaps Fenugreek 45 Capsules

15 $

Appetite Stimulating Dietary Supplement

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SKU: 3401542669187 Categories: , ,


Fenugreek, a member of the clover family, is a plant widely cultivated in India and China where it is used as a condiment for their distinctive aroma.
The seeds of intense color are high in protein (30%), lipids and sapogenins that stimulate appetite.
By regulating the pancreatic secretions, especially insulin, is also used in case of thinning as it stimulates the appetite.
Due to this regulatory action of insulin levels is also recommended in the treatment of noninsulin-dependent diabetes.

-Increases muscle mass and volume, using it makes people who practice bodybuilding.
-Facilitates weight gain.
-Helps in hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia.
-Each capsule contains 380 mg of powdered fenugreek seed criomolido with a valuation in excess of 0.3% of trigonelline.

3 capsules a day before the meals, with a large glass of water.